Obviously, the human body is anatomically and physiologically more complex than any science has yet to comprehend and explain. Whether genetic or congenital, natured or nurtured, there will always be human developmental characteristics that will remain puzzling to our knowledge. Born with primary and secondary male or female sexual organs and woman or man trapped in the wrong body are the simplest ways that I respectively understand intersexuality and transexuality to be. However, since most of them live a homosexual lifestyle and since some of us are not culturally inclined to do extensively investigations or researches in such issues, I among many others used to call them all homosexuals. My study of the topics has helped me to create a shade of gray in between it all. I must admit that my perception of hermaphrodites and pseudohermaphrodites has somewhat changed. I now understand the deformities that may be present at birth in either kind. It is sad to know some of the identity issues and labyrinths they have to go through when their parents or doctors decide their sexes or genders at birth without proper analysis or knowledge of the lifelong effect. Until our cultures acknowledge the possibility of the existence of more than two sexes (male & female), we are most likely to see or hear of these occurrences in various parts of the world. Evidently, in most cases, the choices made by parents or doctors are usually wrong and caused the hermaphrodites or pseudohermaphrodites to live miserably long enough before their true identities are revealed or outwardly displayed. Being in this position as a parent, I would not be too quick in making a decision to choose a sex or gender. If the condition is seeing or diagnosed in the embryo stages or before birth and can be biologically corrected while leaning toward the most predominant sex or present sex organs then, I would carefully consider the alternative. Furthermore, if the condition is risky to life and death or possibility of increasing abnormalities, I will choose life or health regardless of what needs to be done. However, if my child were born that way, s/he would have to decide for him/herself later in life. Honestly, in regard to transexuality where as a fully-grown man or a woman with all primary and secondary sex organs feeling trapped in the wrong, I am still a little rigid. But knowing the complexity of human body, mind, and spirit, I am going to remain opened to new or more scientific information or proof. At this point, I think transexuality is mainly mental and closely related to homosexuality. As a result, I believe that people should never be prejudice and/or judgmental about anybody because of their cultural, sexual, and biological differences, skin color, gender, and ethnicity. We are all one race come in different shapes and shades. Whether straight, gay, bi-sexual, intersexual, transexual, normal, or abnormal per se, our days here are numbered. So, live, laugh, and love!