I have always been curious about the cause of homosexuality. I am not against any sexual orientations or preferences. In my research, I have yet to find anything that is conclusive or scientifically proven to be the cause. Years ago, my attitude toward homosexual was different. I used to condemn it as sinful and immoral behaviors that should have been punished not only by God also by constitutional Laws of very nation. As I grew older as a heterosexual man and got to interact a few gay people males and females, I opened myself up to more knowledge and understanding of what it is to be different individually and sexually. I began to ask some the most typical questions that they, homosexual and/or lesbian, face in a regular basis. When and how did you first know? Did you try to date the opposite sex? What happened? Are any of your close relatives gay? Were you raised by or did you grow up with or around homosexuals? Where you mentally, physically or sexual abused or molested as child? The answers for to those questions were very shocking to me, but yet offered no subtle ground to draw a conclusion. I did not record them in a percentage basis, but they varied from presumably born that way, to environmental effect, peer pressure, seduction, curiosity, disappointment by the opposite sex, don’t know or can’t explain, and not sure. When I measure my level of emotional tolerance or attraction for another man sexually, since they said no one is a 100% straight or gay, it is next to zero. Consequently, I ask myself why would a man or a woman want to be with another man or woman if nothing is different about him/her especially when society regards them so bad. Why would anybody want to go through that? Therefore, I concluded by seeing homosexuality as a biological imbalance that is neither good nor bad until a choice is made. The person is born with all male or female sexual or reproductive organs being intact, however somewhere in the anterior lobe of the brain something remains sexually uncensored or inactive until it is triggered by someone or something. And if at that very moment, someone with the same sex happens to be one fulfilling or satisfying that rush or need, it will register in the brain as is. As a result, when seeing someone of the same sex and if the other attractive elements are there, the person is aroused or excited for initiate approach. My views have not changed by studying the topic of homosexuality. In fact, the topic enhances my theory. Not to say it is true, but since there is still no scientific evidence for a specific cause, we are to believe that any of the factors can be the true.
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