History tells us that there had been many so-called ethnic cleansings in different parts of the world before and after the holocaust. So far, the holocaust was the most heinous crime ever committed by human beings to human beings. Personally, the estimated number of people murdered during that time by the Nazi regime really makes no difference, but the ways in which they were killed is inconceivably disturbing. I do not think that it is even fair to classify the holocaust as simply as ethnic cleansing. It had seemed as if Hitler and his accomplices or collaborators dehumanized themselves to perform the inhuman acts. They became machines of their so- called master race (idiots) run with human blood and flesh or were possessed by evil spirits. The main reason for me to say is that they even murdered their own people. Some or most if not all of the Jehovah witnesses, handicaps, communists and other political parties or oppositions and homosexuals were Germans. One of the things that I also find disturbing is that it all occurred only 64 to 75 years ago. An epoch when modern science, education, globalization, multicultural interaction and competence, freedom, journalism, telegram, inter-economics exchange, and democracy existed abroad. The whole world was watching. The Nazi’s sadistic quest, objective and/or ideology were to conquer the world at least all the European countries and purify their race in the process; therefore, they did not care. Another surprising thing to me is that the rest of the world specially the western world took so long to intervene. Were there any doubts about the occurrence or were they also afraid of the German’s horrific forces to some degree until their own interests or welled being were stake. These are questions that can be researched to a deeper extend. As for the holocaust deniers still today, the only benefit of the doubt that I give them is that they know it happened, but it is still hard to believe. Yes, it is hard to even try to comprehend that human beings can be so cruel. Yes, on that note, I concur. Unfortunately, if anyone sanely believes the holocaust did not happen, I would first suggest that they look at the evidence. Then I would remind them that there were survivals who had lived and seen it all. Lastly, I would say to them your opinion cannot be based on emotions, beliefs, and ethnocentricity. You need to research the facts. “IT HAPPENED”.
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